Saturday, June 28, 2014

Wrapping Up-----MVC---Lightbulbs

Long time no blog.

Back in the thick of the .Net Developer track.  Last Week I got into MVC with Neil Horton.

Head Instructor
I think that the true power of the Centriq business model is it's Instruction. I'm impressed with the quality and care of the entire staff.  Centriq has a great "Synergy" of corporate & raw talent going through the school.  Granted, it 's  positioned perfectly in the Kansas City Market during one of the biggest technology booms of any Metropolitan City in America.

I'm glad I've gotten to be a part of the program.

As I post this blog I'm down to three weeks before the July 18th project presentation.  Tick Tock..... I'm feeling pretty good.  I've begun to have those lightbulbs go off.  FINALLY!

                     I was really getting tired of getting punched in the head by some of the concepts.

My instructor Chuck Wieners teaching me Details View in Webforms.
"Fresh Schema, Fresh Schema, Fresh Schema"  :)

Strangley, it really was the MVC class that really started making things clear.  When you compare the two
technologies (Web Forms vs MVC) it's much clearer how and why you do some of the processes.  I think I've been looking way too close at some of the code.  If you step back and look at it from a higher plain it starts making more logical sense.

In the market Webforms are still 70-80% of all sites.   I personally like the Designer and the toolbox.  Drag and Drop never bothered me but I'm a visual person....that makes sense.  MVC is super cool and a simpler answer but the market demand isn't there yet.  MVC is just very "clean" in how you build it. It also doesn't have all the bloat of PageLifeCycle.  Speed and Simplicity...... It'll catch on.

I've built out two Projects...(Widgets and Gadgets for Webforms and Widgets and Gadgets for MVC) both were built out from my old Mo Wine Tours Menu.  Pretty cool.

So I'm gonna get back to working on my personal site.  I would like to relaunch it again.  Stay posted.....