Thursday, December 11, 2014

Are the any Beatles fan's out there???????  Well if there are......The above picture is one of my all time favorite songs.  "Here comes the Sun" written by George Harrison.

Eric Clapton tells story's of how George would just show up sometimes early in the morning and walk with him.  They would bring a guitar and just play and create.  "He was just magical" was Eric's exact words.  One such day George forced Clapton up to walk out into the gardens of his then sprawling estate just before sun rise.  George was known to meditate of a morning while the sun came up.(he was very big into transcendental meditation)  This particular time they both had the guitars with them, strumming out random melodies and George started singing......"Duuuuuu mmmmm dooooo dooo Here comes the sun".

So cool.  love that story.  Although it's actually quite cold outside......I've just had this song in my head for the last week.

So as the Holiday approaches things are getting busy.  As I stated in my prior blog, we are staying in Kansas City.  Funny, my children are so happy to be staying in their particular school as well.  So I've been pretty focused on doing some freelance work.  I also have a couple good prospects for jobs as well.

I took a small contract with the KC school district doing some IT Admin stuff till the end of December.  It's not exactly creating applications but its just good to work around people.  It's lonely out there working for yourself.  I miss working with a talented team, having a group collectively building something.

All in do time.......I have a feeling the perfect spot will be coming across my path.  I'll keep ya posted.  till then.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What you can always count on.

It seems that change is inevitable. My wife had an opportunity with a job out of state and we began making the adjustments to take the entire family that direction.  This is not a small thing either.

Then "Life" stepped in and swiftly changed our direction again.  It was a very good thing that her job sputtered out and didn't work before we had fully committed.  I will be honest.....I wasn't excited to move to a small town in Iowa anyway.  We are city folk.

I love this town.  My family and I are happy to be staying in Kansas home town.  Love this city.

I've built two projects for business friends of mine.  It feels really good to code and build.  I will continue to pursue free lance projects and start up kansas city.

Change doesn't always mean that you loose something.  It is the opportunity to find other things that are new and interesting.  You never know, it might mean that you gain something much greater in the end.