Thursday, July 23, 2015

Long time no "Write"

Long time no "Write".

Where are all those gray hairs coming from???????

So I haven't been keeping up with this blog or my journals the way I once did.  No particular reason outside the fact that I'm working and learning.  I don't feel like I have a lot of things to communicate.  I'm relativley boring.  I go to work, come home (still studying) and take care of my family.  

I have been working on a side project that may take off.  Eventually I will be a part of another business.  This is the bigger dream and direction for me.  I am an entreprenuer and I think and dream like one.  This project has a lot of potential.  Yet, so did Mo Wine Tours.  What is important is that I keep working on these things. 

The man who doesn’t make up his mind to cultivate the habit of thinking misses the greatest pleasure in life.”

I'm still doing web support at Vin Solutions.  I'm still contracting but I've been made an offer for one position.  I may hold off and wait for another position inside the company that is more technical.  I find that in my new career field I'm still noticed for the "Customer Service" and "Soft Skills".  Funny, I don't try to hide these things but I'm aware that this could take me down a path that I've already been down.

I want to focus on code and building.  Although I have experience and training in Sales, Customer Service......I can not take a position that takes me away from development.  I've been down that rode before and I'm not going back.

I've been given an opportunity to interview for a company that would however be VERY good for me.  It would utilize all my strengths in a way that would enable me to keep climbing in the direction that I want to go.

I won't say anything else till after I interview.  If this comes through.....I will truly come full circle.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring 2015

Ready for Spring......

So I 've been busy getting acclimated to the new job and to my new surroundings.  I have really fallen off on blogging and keeping up with a few other things that I enjoy doing.  

First off Vin Solutions:

I enjoy this job thouroughly.  I guess I should correct an earlier blog entry.  My title is "Web Tech Specialist".  I am not a "Developer" as I first thought upon starting.  That's fine.  The majority of the time I work in the HTML, CSS and JQuery/JavaScript.  Now what does get interesting is that although I work in the .Net Stack and on websites that are Web Forms; I do not have access to any of the C# files and I am mostly working on the their CMS platform.  

Good and Bad.  The good is it is relativley easy to change certain parts of the website through their CMS.  The bad (which is good for my development), many times I find myself scripting a change to work around the restrictrive nature of their system.  It's clear why they have these boundaries set up.  Although, the scripted work around is very common practice here.

Great people, good environment.  It is a J.O.B. and with every J.O.B. there are things that you don't particularly enjoy.  This one has those too.  Yet, I refuse to complain because I'm happy to have the opportunity to work.  Take the good with the not so good right?

Secondly Family:

Things have been going well.  We have adjusted to the new house.  I must admit that my kiddos seem quite happy!.  I'm happy too.  

More to come.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

So now that 2015 is upon us.  I'm proud to proclaim that I have accepted a position with a company called  VIN Solutions.  I will be a "Web Development Specialist".  It is a JR development role and I will start out as a contracter through a third party contracting agency.

It's funny because I actually interviewed with them about 3 months ago.  I apparently did not make the cut for that particular round of interviews.  So I was ready for the interview and I really just approached it as......"I got nothing to loose".   Woo Hoo!  Thank you guys for the opportunity.

January 5th will be my first day on site.  It is located in Mission Kansas and I already know a few of the guys from Centriq.  It would appear that it is heavily focused on JQuery and front end development.

Cool with me.   I'm pretty sure that I'm a front end  Man, I'm just thankful for the chance.

2015 here we come...........

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year....

2014 was a ride to say the least........ 

I'm getting natious just thinking about it.