Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend.

Great three day weekend.  I wrapped up the ASP 3 with our instructor (The man, the myth the Legend) Chuck. The content was pretty intense.  We were tying SQL into our ASP.Net Websites.  We had a bunch of sample databases and actually built our own for practice.  The material wasn't necessarily too heavy but it is easy to get turned around when you are are doing data Binding and adding the multiple view types.

You have your grid view for the majority larger glimpse at the database.  Then we tied in a details view or a form view for the specific detailed view of each product and or category.  Now the cool part was when we added the functionality to the "admin" to change and modify the database from the client level.

Below is a screen shot of Widgets and Gadgets.  A website we built in ASP3 and added onto in ASP4

I have so much content from Mo Wine Tours that I built a database as a class project

For our widgets and gadgets class project.  Chuck told us to build our own database for something that we
care or are interested in.  I have so much content from UDA and Mo Wine Tours that It was very easy
for me to build it out using some of my own stuff.  

It really brought the material to life.  The power of this is incredible.  It is very dry to learn (for me at least) UNTIL you put in your own products or something that is relevant to business and real world. 


I'm pretty burnt out right now.  I'm looking forward to next week.  It's a break week.  I'm gonna focus on the job hunt.  I'm gonna start throwing hooks out to see if  "Daddy" can get a job.  Sacrificing five and  half months of income to do this is risky business especially when you have three children and a wife at home.  I will continue to put in the hard work and keep the faith. I resolve to get through this school and find a new career.  It is easier for me to put it into perspective when I realize that this isn't for me.  It's for them.  

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Are you the type of person that lives of today
Loving and laughing in every way

For every moment our lives shorten and decay
When it's all over what'll you have to say

Were you happy with the person you became
Does the world around you fell the same

Don't you wish you were happier rather that meaner
Yet, the grass is always greener

As we look back to the other side of the fence
Today is when the change should commence

Tomorrow is just an excuse away
Live now, for this might be your last today.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


My Instructor this week is Chuck Weiners.  His dry sense of humor is a riot.  He was also really patient with me.  I (might have, accidentally) asked him to fix my code at least 5-10 times a day.

Well I'm officially into uncharted territory.  Last week was all about Master Pages and controls.  The ease and ability to use the same format and elements across pages is amazing.  This week is all about membership and how to authenticate.  We defined roles and access  to our sites and our SQL data bases.  We are building to the final project.  It's starting to become clear the path to graduation.  I've now seen two classes present final projects and there will be my original class in June.

I thnk membership was  cool, but as a student it was heavy.  As always, I felt like I didn't get the content as well as I should have.  I'm coming to the conclusion that maybe it is my own standard that I hold for myself.  I am consciously trying to stop beating up on myself.  This track is not a competition.  I have to stop judging myself on the progress of others.

Each person comes with unique gifts and weaknesses.  I understand my strengths.....more over, I am familiar with my weaknesses as well.  I will continue to use two of my main strengths:

1. Work ethic
2.  Passion.

Petetllc.com second edition is almost ready for launch.  I want to add two more pieces to it.  I hope to have it launched.  Although I'm not going to drive myself into the ground getting it perfect.  I already know that I want to change three things on it before I even launch.  (Is this the way all developers are?)

I'm off to study SQL with Chris Byram.  Should be an entertaining week.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Long time no blog.....

The break week was great.    I forced my self to study but I made sure to step away.  My website is not really working correctly. RRRRRRR .  No worries, a master page through the ASP.net help me fix most of it's quirks.  I hope to have it  up by next week.

Last week was ASP 1.  Introduction to the ASP.NET server.  This is really cool stuff.  I love how you can dynamically make a site responsive.

(Quick shout out to my friend and instructor Keith Smith.  ..enjoy your classes)

The drop and drag controls are versatile and so easy to put in.  I still get a little twisted on the code behind (aspx.cs),  I will say that the syntax is similar but it gets a little confusing when talking about stateless protocol, post back and control, CrossPagePost back etc.

This is me an my tater-tot at the library.  She's so funny.  She tells me that I spend more time with my classmates than I do with them.  True. Can't really deny that.  

I find it ironic. I've spent almost three years at home with my children.  Everyday we did homework and I'd harp on them.....

"It's important to do your homework first...."
"If you set your mind to something......"
"Hard work pays off......"
"Just Show up.....the rest is details......"
"Have FUN but be responsible."  

Wooooooo  I talk a mean game don't I.  If any of you reading this know me at all.....you'll recognize my sarcasm.  If you don't know me......than don't believe anybody that say I'm a smarty pants.  It's a vicious rumor.
 So I'm trying to walk the path that I've been on a soap box about.  They see me struggling through this.  Children are very smart and aware.  Much more than we give them credit for.

Now when my children ask me why I'm doing homework.....why are you always studying?

"It's important to do your homework first....you have to put the time in"

Now when they ask me if this computer stuff is it hard?  

" YES,.....but if you set your mind to something....and you just show up everyday and work hard..it will pay off.."

When they ask me......"Daddy, why are you screaming at your computer?"

"Ya Know what's fun kids.. I.D.10 T errors. My code blowing up with errors that APPARENTLY are Illogical....that's really fun........Having a semi colon or typo steal hours of my life.........it's a blast!"

Spoken like a true Griswold.......:)