Tuesday, March 4, 2014

C# is hurting my brain

Hello world,

I'm only writing this because I am exhausted and frustrated and need to get it out.
I have gone back to school after 17 years and am just into my first week.

I chose a school called Centriq.  It is an IT professional trade school located in Leawood, Kansas.
Now I chose this because I love the web and love to create things.  I thought, "Hey, I should be a Web Developer".  I did all the research and found that Application Developers and Web developers are in High Demand. 

Forbes says that over the next three years the demand will only continue to grow.  Cool.  Centriq's program is a "Fast Track".  Four months of intensive training and you will come out on the other side in demand. 

What I did not realize is just how hard it is.  I have never really felt "dumb".  Actually, when it comes to technology, I'm normally the one that understands it best.  This C# and Visual Studios is .............foreign.  It's just such an odd way of thinking.

Now I've read many blogs and articles about learning how to code.  I've actually spoke to many people in the career field.  They all said........you will be completely overwhelmed at first.  Then there will be an A HA moment.

I don't know if overwhelmed is the right term.  I am beaten and bruised........I think I'm about to have a panic attack.  Why can't I figure out how to do a silly Array counter. 

string [] whatTheHeck = {"I'm in deep doodoo","why did I do this","I want my momma"}

Comon Light bulb.  I will keep putting the time in but am concerned that this info isn't clicking. 

Does it get any better?  any one???????? 

1 comment:

  1. Yes it does I promise it really does!!! Just keep working at it and it will come. Trust me I thought that I needed a computers for dummies class when I first started!!! If you need help with anything let me know!
