Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Week 3

So I survived the C# fundamentals week one and two.  I will say that I need to continue to work on most of the concepts.  I am struggling with looping.  Looping is a pillar of coding and computing.  I need to get a grasp on this.

Centriq has been great.  I can't say how nice it is to be around instructors and staff that cares like this.  My instructor is Keith Smith.  He has been patient with everyone.  He has a great teaching style as well.  I've scheduled a "mentoring" session with him this week.  ----looping-----  I need help with looping.

So we are now studying HTML/CSS/JQUERY.  This has been a much needed change of pace for me.
I am naturally a visual person.  So building actual websites with formatting and dressing is something that resonates with me.  The code is much simpler than C#.  It is still a huge amount of information to be covered in a week.  This particular info seems to be much easier for me to pallet.

We get to pick a website name this week as well.  I'm really pretty excited about this.  The website is ours for a year and we will be building it out for our final project.  I was going back and forth with what my web address would be.  My wife told me that I'm silly if I don't pull out all my prior work.

With her wise advise in mind; I decided upon .

I have so much content from my business idea's and business plans that I've made.  I get excited thinking about building out the site to showcase some of my ideas.  So Cool!!!!  I'll add this blog in as a link, as well as my linked in, facebook, twitter etc. etc.

 Oh the possibilities........My imagination is running.  Where oh were could we go with it.

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