Monday, March 17, 2014

Week Four----- Self Study Week

Week Four

Monday March 17th........Happy St. Patrick's Day.

I find it interesting...St. Patrick's Day used to be such a busy time for me.  Being in the Bar Business for so many years.  St Patrick's Day is Big Business.  It gives the amateur drinker an Excuse to go out and get "PISSED".  lol

Bennigan's Irish Pub (whom I worked for for three years) this was like Christmas.  We had to set up Bands and Specials.  We normally spent upwards of three months planning the advertising and marketing strategy to pull off a big day. We had some great events.

To the average looker.....this looks silly.  From a business perspective
this is $$$$$.  Merchandise alone we made a killing.

Fast forward to 2014.  I am in front of a computer screen cramming C#,HTML,CSS and JQuery into  my brain. I'm not physically at Centriq this week.  I start back next week with ASP1.  This week is for studying and review over the material we've covered over the last three weeks.  

 I will admit that I am glad to be here instead of in a bar.  Life changes and I guess people change.  Before I was in love with the Bar Scene and the business side of it.  Not anymore.  I guess I've climbed that mountain or rather been there done that.  On to the next adventure.  

 I've really been relating to my son over the last few weeks.  It sounds silly but.  I am accustomed to being on my feet and moving.  (ADD....probably).  Aren't we all a little bit though.  

So anyway, my little boy Jude has been officially diagnosed with ADHD and on the Autistic scale.  He is brilliant and beautiful.  I just see myself so much in him.  I came across one of our old videos of him in Karate.  So funny..... but it's because i feel him.  I feel like this in class all the time.

The context of the video is this.  Jude is testing out of his current belt to the next belt class.  He's flown  through all the kicking and punching exercises and positions.   The last hurdle is to stand still and focus for one minute.  Perfectly still........Don't

It is so me.  I want so badly to get the content.  I force myself to focus and absorb the material.  Then I loose focus....catch myself.... and FORCE myself to focus.   

The Good News is.  Jude ended up getting that yellow belt.  He stood up the second time, took a breath and made it.  If he can do it I can do it.


1. Re-do all the homework.
a.Try doing it alone with out reference materials

2. Finish Resume HTML project.
a. work on the CSS sheet.  Project is way too plain

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